What Is a Snakebite Lip Piercing? Everything Beginners Need to Know
There are so many creative ways to get a lip piercing. From the upper lip to the lower lip, from the corners of the mouth to the lip itself, each of these locations on the lip can create a unique and personalized piercing, and Snakebite Lip Piercing is one of them. If you like to design bold and fashionable lip piercings, then Snakebite Piercing is perfect for you. In this guide, we will walk you through everything a beginner needs to know about Snake bite Piercing, including the process, pain level, healing time, aftercare, risks, and Snakebite Piercing jewelry options.
What is Snake bite Piercing?
Snakebite piercings consist of two separate piercings placed symmetrically near the outer corners of the lower lip , one on the left and one on the right. Overall , the two piercings resemble the marks of a snake's fangs, which is where the name comes from. Many people confuse snake bites piercing with other lip piercings , but there are actually big differences. Here are some lip piercings that are easily confused with snakebite piercings.
Spider bite piercings : Two piercings close together on one side of the lower lip.
Angel Bites: Two piercings on the upper lip (similar to snake bites, but located on top ) .
Dahlia Piercing : Two piercings extending on either side of the mouth.
So you must know exactly which one you want before you enter a piercing shop.
Should You Get Snakebite Piercing?
Here are some things to consider before you make your decision:
While it is true that a snake bites piercing is a striking and unique piercing, it may not be the right one for you if you prefer to keep a low-key look. With a large selection of jewelry and combinations, you can customize your look. And because of its symmetry, it suits a variety of face shapes and has a strong visual aesthetic.
Snake bite piercings aren’t all good. If you get two piercings at the same time, it can be more difficult to heal. It can also be more expensive than other piercings, since you’re getting two piercings. And if you don’t take care of it properly, it can cause damage to your mouth.
But if you like a bold aesthetic and are ready for the maintenance, the Snakebite might be for you.

Piercing and Pain
If you have decided to go ahead, here is some information about the snakebite piercing itself. Once you have chosen your piercer, he or she will discuss the exact location of the piercing, jewelry selection, and more. Once you have agreed on the procedure, the piercer will clean your skin and mark your lips to ensure an even piercing. Next, a sterile hollow needle will be used to pierce your lips, and this step will be repeated once until both piercings are completed. The entire procedure should take about 10-15 minutes in total.
Since snakebite piercings consist of two piercings, you will need to undergo two piercings within a short period of time, which is undoubtedly more painful. The good news is that the lower lip is less sensitive than the upper lip, so a piercing on the lower lip will be less painful than other piercings on the upper lip.
Pain is a subjective experience, but most people find snake bite piercings to be moderately painful. Since you have two piercings, the discomfort is doubled compared to a single lip piercing , especially in the days following the piercing. Since you have two piercings, the lips tend to swell more, pain is normal, and some people experience throbbing in the lip. These symptoms may interfere with speaking and make eating difficult, but they usually subside within 3-5 days. The healing time for a lip snake bite piercing is similar to that of a medusa piercing, and it should take about 6-12 weeks to heal. It is important to note that you have two piercings to care for, which doubles your chances of complications, which can delay healing.
Since both piercings are the same, the care is no different than any other lip piercing. But I must remind you to be careful when eating, which is also the biggest difficulty in care. You can't favor one side and ignore the other.
There is a common misconception that oral piercings are more susceptible to infection, but the oral cavity is generally clean and is less susceptible to infection as long as you maintain good care habits. Here are some things to keep in mind:
Eat soft foods, especially in the week after the piercing. New lip piercings can cause swelling for the first few days, and since you have two piercings, it can be hard to move your mouth, which can make eating difficult. It's best to choose foods that are easy to chew so you don't accidentally bite the jewelry or your lip, causing additional painful damage. A fresh piercing is essentially an open wound, and anything spicy or acidic can irritate the wound and cause pain, and may also cause inflammation, so choose something bland and soft.
Don't touch your jewelry. Many of us may touch our jewelry subconsciously, and even if you know you shouldn't do it, it's still hard to follow this rule, but it's vital. Your hands can carry harmful bacteria, and frequent handling of jewelry is likely to transfer harmful bacteria from your hands to your jewelry and wounds. And moving jewelry can cause secondary damage to the wound, prolonging the healing time.
Make sure your jewelry is the right size. You may need to wear a larger size initially to accommodate the swelling during the healing process. A responsible and professional piercer will make this clear to you. You may want to ask your piercer to switch to a smaller piece once the swelling has gone down. If your initial jewelry is too small, it may cause the jewelry to become embedded.

Potential Risks and Complications
Like all piercings, snakebites have potential risks. Being aware of these risks will help you respond quickly if you feel discomfort. And these risks and side effects can all be avoided with proper care.
Piercing rejection refers to redness and peeling of the skin around the piercing, enlargement of the piercing, or obvious movement of the jewelry. To avoid rejection, you must ensure that the piercing does not experience additional trauma and that the jewelry is made of the right material (titanium is the most biocompatible material). You must also find an experienced piercer who will perform the piercing in a scientific and reasonable manner. If piercing rejection occurs, the most likely treatment option is to remove the jewelry, let the piercing heal, and then try again later.
Piercing bumps are more common in areas with more flesh. But there are several different types of bumps: pustules, hypertrophic scars, or irritation bumps. But almost all of them are caused by trauma to the piercing site or improper aftercare, so you need to strictly follow the care rules set by your piercer.
Piercing infections are actually uncommon. They are mainly caused by poor piercing hygiene and improper post-operative care. Symptoms include pain, yellow or green pus, fever, or the beginning of swelling at the piercing site. See your doctor immediately if this happens. If you clean your piercing every day and follow a normal care routine, it is unlikely that an infection will occur.
Keloids is a disease that is often mentioned in the piercing community. It is medically the result of a genetic disease. It manifests as the body producing too much collagen during the healing process in any wound (no matter how big or small). Therefore, this mark is left at the healing site. However, if your parents and siblings have never had keloids, then you will not have this condition when you get a piercing. Even if there is a piercing bump, Keloids can be ruled out.
Jewelry Options for Snakebite Piercings
There are many types of jewelry that can be paired with snake bites piercing . But you still need to think about what style of jewelry you like before piercing. Because the entrance and exit shapes of lip studs and hoop jewelry piercings are different, the piercer needs to make a suitable piercing for you before piercing. If you change your mind later, you can also switch from one type of jewelry to another, but there are certain risks in doing so, which may cause trauma to the pierced area.
If you choose lip studs, you need to choose flat back lip studs, which can reduce the friction between the jewelry and the teeth and gums. Although lip studs look simple, jewelry designers still provide you with lip studs with various decorations.
Round barbells are also a popular choice, especially those with spikes. This type of jewelry can attract people's attention. If you are looking for a strong fashion style, it is perfect for you.
The Bottom Line
Snakebite lip piercings are a bold and beautiful way to show off your personality. They're not for everyone - but if you like edgy, symmetrical, eye-catching styles and are willing to take the time to properly care for them, they can be a great addition to your look. Before you make your decision, do your research, choose a professional piercer, and be prepared for the healing process.